
gantt directive can be configured using attributes. Each attribute is interpreted as AngularJS Expression.

  • api

    Registers an API Object to call methods of the component and listen or raise events.

    See API for more details.

    <div gantt api="registerApi"></div>
    $scope.registerApi = function(api) {
      api.core.on.ready() {
        // Call API methods and register events.
  • auto-expand

    Define if the date range will be extended when the user scroll to the left or right edge.

    • both
    • left
    • right
    • none
  • allow-side-resizing

    Side section can be resized.

    default: true

  • current-date

    How current date is displayed.

    • none
    • line
    • column

    default: line

  • current-date-value

    Current date in the chart.

    <div gantt current-date="getToday"></div>
    $scope.getToday = new Date();

    default: new Date()

  • column-width

    The width of each column in px. This allows you add logic like column-width="viewScale == 'day' ? 50 : 20" to have wider columns for days than for other column scales.

    If undefined, gantt will always fit available width.

  • expand-to-fit, shrink-to-fit

    Ensure that gantt is expanded/shrinked to fit the available width, even if column-width value is defined.

  • column-magnet

    Precision of the column. All date and time computation will be rounded using this precision. It will also snap to borders of timeFrames and columns is time-frames-magnet is true.

    Format is <integer> <momentjs-unit>. See momentJS#add() for a list of supported unit.

    If column-magnet value is greater than view-scale or defined to column value, it will apply magnets to column borders. You can't defined a column-magnet value that covers multiple columns.


    • column
    • 1 minute
    • 30 minutes
    • 1 hour
    • 3 hours

    default: 15 minutes

  • shift-column-magnet

    Precision of the column when holding down SHIFT key.

    If undefined, it will use 0.25 viewScale.

  • time-frames-magnet

    Make timeFrame borders snap. Columns magnet must be enabled too.

    default: true

  • daily

    Fill up view of tasks by rounding their from/to date to the start/end of day.

  • data

    The data model for the gantt chart.

    See Data for more information.

  • filter-task, filter-task-comparator

    Expression to filter on visible tasks using angularJS $filter('filter').

    Value of filter-task is expression (string|Object|function(value, index))), and filter-task-comparator is comparator (function(actual, expected)|boolean|undefined) as defined in angularJS filter filter.

    When using a function, call api.rows.refresh() to refresh filtering when required.

  • filter-row, filter-row-comparator

    Expression to filter on visible rows using angularJS $filter('filter').

    Value of filter-row is expression (string|Object|function(value, index))), and filter-row-comparator is comparator (function(actual, expected)|boolean|undefined) as defined in angularJS filter filter).

    When using a function, call api.rows.refresh() to refresh filtering when required.

  • from-date

    Ensures that the chart rendering starts at this date. This is useful for showing the chart even without any tasks, or empty time before the first task, or truncate previous tasks.

  • to-date

    Ensures that the chart rendering goes at least to this date. This is useful for showing the chart even without any tasks, or empty time after the last task, or truncate next tasks.

  • headers

    Array of headers to display.

    • millisecond
    • second
    • minute
    • hour
    • day
    • week
    • month
    • quarter
    • year
    <div gantt headers="['month', 'week', 'day']"></div>
  • headers-formats

    Associative object of headers format. Key is the header, and value is the format.

    See momentJS#format()

    <div gantt headers-formats="headersFormats"></div>
    $scope.headersFormats = { 
      'year': 'YYYY', 
      'quarter': '[Q]Q YYYY', 
      month: 'MMMM YYYY', 
      week: 'w', 
      day: 'D', 
      hour: 'H', 

    It is also possible to specify a function to format the header label.

    $scope.headersFormats = { 
      week: function(column) {
        return'Do [-]') + column.endDate.format('Do') +' [(W]w[)]');
  • headers-scales

    Associative object of headers view scales, indicating which scale each header should use. Key is the header, and value is the view scale.

    Scale can be any momentJS#add() supported unit.

    <div gantt headers="['dayLetter', 'day']" headers-formats="{dayLetter: 'dd'}" headers-scales="{dayLetter: 'day'}"></div>
    $scope.headersScales = {
      dayLetter: 'day'
  • time-frames, date-frames

    TimeFrames and DateFrames are used to configure global calendar in the gantt.

    A TimeFrame is a part of day, for example 8H00-20H00 or 12H00-13H30. Each TimeFrame can be marked as working or not. A TimeFrame can also be marked as default to be used for every day displayed in the gantt.

    A DateFrame is a configuration object that will reference one or many TimeFrame names for specific days in the calendar. Using DateFrame configurations, it's possible to setup holidays, weekends and other special days that will have different time schedules than usual.

    <div gantt time-frames="timeFrames" date-frames="dateFrames"></div>
    $scope.timeFrames = {
                        day: {
                            start: moment('8:00', 'HH:mm'),
                                end: moment('20:00', 'HH:mm'),
                                working: true, // This is a working period
                                default: true // It will be used for each day
                        noon: {
                            start: moment('12:00', 'HH:mm'),
                            end: moment('13:30', 'HH:mm'),
                            magnet: false, // This will disable magnet snapping
                            working: false, // This is a resting period
                            default: true // It will be used for each day
                        closed: {
                            magnet: false, // This will disable magnet snapping
                            working: false // We don't work when it's closed
    $scope.dateFrames = {
                            date: moment('2014-10-31', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), // A specific date
                            targets: ['day'] // Use timeFrame named day for halloween. We won't close for noon.
                        holidays: {
                             start: moment('2014-08-15', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), // A date range
                             end: moment('2014-08-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
                             targets: ['closed'] // use timeFrame named closed for this date range.
                        weekend: {
                             evaluator: function(date) { // A custom function evaluated for each day in the gantt
                                 return date.isoWeekday() === 6 || date.isoWeekday() === 7;
                             targets: ['closed'] // Use timeFrame named closed for saturday and sunday.

    In this example, three TimeFrames (day, noon, closed) and three DateFrames (halloween, holidays, weekend) are defined.

    If a day match at least one DateFrame, it will apply TimeFrames defined in targets property of each matching DateFrame. If no DateFrame at all match the day, it will use default TimeFrames (day and noon).

    When multiple TimeFrames are found for a day, smaller ones have priority and bigger ones will be split or shrinked.

    After resolution of TimeFrame for each day, TimeFrame can be displayed or cropped from the gantt using time-frames-working-mode and time-frames-non-working-mode.

    You can also add color and classes properties on TimeFrame object to define custom style on displayed timeFrames.

    closed: {
         working: false // We don't work when it's closed
         color: 'green' // Display in green because green is a nice color :)
         classes: ['gantt-closed-timeframe'] // Give one or many class names to customize using CSS.       
  • time-frames-working-mode

    How working TimeFrames are displayed.

    • visible
    • hidden
    • cropped

    default: hidden

  • time-frames-non-working-mode

    How non-working TimeFrames are displayed.

    • visible
    • hidden
    • cropped

    default: visible

  • timespans

    The timespans model for the gantt chart.

    See Timespans for more information.

  • max-height

    Maximum height of the Gantt. It will show a vertical scroll bar if the content does not fit inside.

  • options

    Configure the gantt using as a plain old javascript object, keys of options representing the configuration attributes. camelCased version of attributes must be used as key (autoExpand instead of auto-expand).

    <div gantt options="options"></div>
    $scope.options = {
      data: [...],
      api: function(api) {
  • show-side

    Show the side section. Make sure that a side section plugin (e.g. Tree or Table) is activated otherwise the side section is not shown.

    default: true

  • side-width

    Width of the side section. You can also set side width, min-width and max-width using .gantt-side CSS selector.

  • sort-mode

    Sorts the rows by given expression.

    • Sort by row name
    • from: Sort by the earliest task from date of each row
    • to: Sort by the latest task to date of each row
    • <expression>: Sort using an angularJS expression (see angularJS orderBy filter).

    Prepend a - in front to sort descending. E.g. -from

  • row-content

    Content used to display each row. It can contain HTML and will be automatically compiled and linked against Row object scope. Main user scope is available with scope.

    It can be modified for a specific row using Row model content property

    default: {{}}

    example: <i class="fa fa-align-justify" ng-click="scope.handleRowIconClick(row.model)"></i> {{}}

  • task-out-of-range

    Behavior when tasks are defined out of the Gantt rendering range (see from-date and to-date).

    • expand: rendering range will be expanded to display the tasks entirely.
    • truncate: tasks will be truncated, or even totally hidden if they are not in rendering range at all.

    default: expand

  • task-content

    Content used to display each task. It can contain HTML and will be automatically compiled and linked against Task object scope. Main user scope is available with scope.

    It can be modified for a specific task using Task model content property

    default: {{}}

    example: <i class="fa fa-cog" ng-click="scope.handleTaskIconClick(task.model)"></i> {{}}

  • template

    Custom Gantt HTML template. If you want to customize the default Gantt HTML template, copy the content of template file src/template/gantt.tmpl.html to a variable and set this parameter.

    Compared to template-url, this will avoid an additional request to load the template from an URL.

    This attribute is not observed and not evaluated as an expression.

  • template-url

    URL of custom Gantt HTML template. If you want to customize the default Gantt HTML template, make a copy of default template file src/template/gantt.tmpl.html to your own project, and set the URL of copied file to this attribute.

    If undefined or template/gantt.tmpl.html, default template will be used.

    This attribute is not observed and not evaluated as an expression.

    note: template-url must be different than template/gantt.tmpl.html, or it will use default template included in angular-gantt.js.

  • view-scale

    Column scale using any of momentJS#add() supported unit.

    • second
    • minute
    • hour
    • day
    • week
    • month
    • quarter
    • year

    An optional number value can be prepended to this scale, like 5 minutes, 3 hours or 6 months.

    default: day

  • taskLimitThreshold

    The threshold tasks count for ganttTaskLimiter.

    For performance reasons, when more than 100 tasks are loaded in the gantt chart, tasks outside of the visible scrollable viewport are removed from the DOM by the ganttTaskLimiter filter .

    It enhance global performance when ganttTaskLimiter is enabled on a heavy-loaded data model, but tasks may appear with a small delay when scrolling the viewport.

    Set to a negative number like -1 to disable it, or set to null to force it regardless the tasks count.

    default: 100

  • columnLimitThreshold

    The threshold columns count for ganttColumnLimiter.

    For performance reasons, when more than 500 columns are loaded in the gantt chart, columns outside of the visible scrollable viewport are removed from the DOM by the ganttColumnLimiter filter.

    It enhance global performance when ganttColumnLimiter is enabled on a heavy-loaded data model, but columns may appear with a small delay when scrolling the viewport.

    Set to a negative number like -1 to disable it, or set to null to force it regardless the columns count.

    default: 500