
Display tooltips when moving mouse over a task.


angular.module('myApp', ['gantt', 'gantt.tooltips']);
<div gantt>
    <gantt-tooltips enabled="..." date-format="..."></gantt-tooltips>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-gantt-tooltips.css">


  • enabled

    Enable display of tooltips.

    default: true

  • date-format

    Format of the dates displayed in tooltip.

    See momentJS#format()

    default: MMM DD, HH:mm

  • delay

    Delay in millisecond before the tooltip is displayed.

    default: 500

  • content

    Content of the tooltip. It can contain HTML and will be automatically compiled.


    '{{}}</br>' +
    '<small>' +
    '{{task.isMilestone() === true && getFromLabel() || getFromLabel() + \' - \' + getToLabel()}}' +
  • template

    Template to use for tooltip element.

    This attribute is not observed and not evaluated as an expression.

  • template-url

    URL of template to use for tooltip element.

    If undefined or plugins/tooltips/tooltip.tmpl.html, default template will be used.

    This attribute is not observed and not evaluated as an expression.

    note: template-url must be different than plugins/tooltips/tooltip.tmpl.html, or it will use default template included in angular-gantt-plugins.js or angular-gantt-tooltips.js.

Attributes can be defined for a specific Row or Task object using an object named tooltips

  // Inside Row or Task object
  // Full options object
  'tooltips': {
    'enabled': <Boolean>,
    'dateFormat': <string>

  // Or shortcut for enabled property
  'movable': <Boolean>