
Display configured bounds when moving mouse over a task.


angular.module('myApp', ['gantt', 'gantt.bounds']);
<div gantt>
    <gantt-bounds enabled="..."></gantt-bounds>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-gantt-bounds.css">

To define bounds on a task, you need to add est and lct property on task object model.

  name: "...",
  from: <Date>,
  to: <Date>,
  est: <Date> // When est and lct are defined a time window will be displayed around the task (Optional).
  lct: <Date> // See "est".


  • enabled

    Enable display of bounds box.

    default: true

  • template

    Template to use for bounds element.

    This attribute is not observed and not evaluated as an expression.

  • template-url

    URL of template to use for bounds element.

    If undefined or plugins/bounds/taskBounds.tmpl.html, default template will be used.

    This attribute is not observed and not evaluated as an expression.

    note: template-url must be different than plugins/bounds/taskBounds.tmpl.html, or it will use default template included in angular-gantt-plugins.js or angular-gantt-bounds.js.